Best Programming Languages for Machine Learning

 Hey...! There are so many languages in the market and nowadays, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, and many more technologies are on boom. Machine Learning is continuously increasing and grow and many people are learning these things in new markets. There are many programming languages that use for Machine Learning. So, here we discuss the Programming languages and best programming language for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

There are so many programming languages that use for machine learning like Python, R, Java, JavaScript, Julia, LISP, Scala, GO, C#, C++, etc. but here we discuss the best programming language for Machine Learning.

Best Programming Languages for Machine Learning

Different people working with different languages but if you are a newbie, it's difficult to select a language for machine learning. We are helping you to choose the perfect language for machine learning.

How to select best programming languages for machine learning ?

I give you the suggestion that there is not the best language for machine learning. It depends on your built, projet requirements, working field, you just need to learn a particular programming language for machine learning with your choice, comfort, and predilections. Here we give you detail about some programming languages which are the best programming languages for machine learning and artificial intelligence.

1) Python

Python programming language is suddenly so popular, nowadays because of its open-source and object-oriented. Python convinced in the 1980's. The author of Python, Guido Van Rossum started implementation in 1989.

Python is the first choice of most developers because it is easy to learn, scalable, and open-source and it has amazing libraries. Python has so many features and libraries like NumPy, pandas, Matplotlib, sci-kit learn, and many more.

Python libraries help to developed machine learning programs like NumPy library is used for scientific calculation and Pybrain also uses for machine learning. Python has so many libraries of machine learning which really makes it very easy. Python syntaxes are very simple and very easy to implements in algorithms.

It is an easy and preferred language for developers with so many machine learning libraries who are looking to frame better questions and expand their capabilities of existing machine learning systems.

2) Java

Java is also an open-source and object-oriented language. Java is a second favorite language by data scientists and machine learning developers, with experts using cyberattacks and detection of fraud where python is less use.

Java provides huge packages service, debugging process, simplified work with a large project. Java is a secure language due to the use of its bytecode. Java has a Standard Widget Toolkit and Swings that helps for the graphical representations of the projects.

3) R

R is one of the best favorite languages of the Data Scientist. R is also a programming language with the feature of Dynamic, Array-based, Object-oriented, Functional, Imperative. R is a graphics-based programming language used for statistical computing, analysis, and visualization for Machine Learning.

R is used in many Tech giants like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, etc. If you want to represent data via a graph, this is the perfect platform for you. In this language, You can apply the machine learning tasks like regression and classification.

These packages make the implementation of machine learning algorithms easy, for cracking the business associated problems

R has packages that are used for the machine learning tasks like RODBC, Gmodels, Class, and Tm. These packages are so useful for solving business problems.


The father of Artificial Intelligence John McCarthy invented LISP in 1958. LISP is the oldest language and most suitable language for development in Artificial Intelligence. LISP has the capability of processing symbolic information.

LISP works on REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop) and has the capability to code, compile, and run code in 30+ programming languages. LISP is considered the most efficient and flexible machine learning language.

The first AI Chatbot named ELIZA was developed using LISP. LISP is not beginners friendly. It is so difficult and it has not a large user community like Python and R.

5) C#

C# language is developed by Anders Hejisberg at Microsoft in 2000. ML.NET is an open-source machine learning framework. C# is also can be used for machine learning applications. C# allows the developer for all kinds of applications like window, console, web apps, mobile apps, and back-end systems.

C# is an object-oriented programming language. TensorFlowSharp is an open-source library and this allows an API to work with TensorFlow using C#.

Here some interesting feature of C# :-

  • It is so flexible and simple language
  • Easy to code in C# language
  • C# is an open-source programming language